vCenter 6.7u3
Tintri EC6070
Windows Server 2012 R2 Client Machine
So i have had a few Veeam backup jobs fail with the following error:
Processing <Virtual Machine> Error: A general system error occurred: vim.fault.GenericVmConfigFault
Within vCenter i also see the same error when trying to delete the snapshot.
I tried creating and deleting a snapshot and i got the same error:
WARNING: be careful of the files you are dealing with!
Open the Datastore where your Virtual Machine is hosted and create a new folder i called my _JB_Temp
Open your virtual machine directory
Move the following files to the temp folder
- *.vmsd
- *.vmsn (VM Snapshot)
Then Delete All Snapshots
You should be able to create and delete snapshots and your backup jobs should now complete without error:
**Check on your datastore that all delta disks have been merged/deleted**
Once you are able remember to clean up the temporary folder on your datastore
If you still have problems i would suggest opening a SR with VMware Support
Thank you
I had this problem and only your suggestion soved it
I had the same problem with my Domain Controller VM. Any down tome was not possible on it. The above solution worked like a charm without having to turn the VM off.
Desteğin için teşekkürler, 29.05.2024 hala çalışıyor. 5 TB’lık fileserver datamız kurtuldu.