Configure NTP on the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) or Platform Service Controller (PSC)

If like me you forgot to set the NTP server correctly when deploying the appliances
The following demonstrates how to add\change\modify an NTP source. As this is for my home lab i will be using the following –

  1. Open a console or SSH to the vCenter Server Appliance
  2. Login with Root Credentials
  3. Run the following to add an NTP Server ntp.server.add –servers
  4. Run the command to enable the NTP Server timesync.set –mode NTP

To remove a configure NTP Server ntp.server.delete –servers

To verify the settings ntp.get

Note: that the command uses double dashes (- -) however they may show as a single line on my blog.
Below is a screen shot of a configured system


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